Hating Men Is Now The Democrats’ Campaign Strategy

Now, one might call this statement staggeringly arrogant or tone-deaf. However, America’s left wing already put similar thoughts into action. Just look at their treatment of Nick SandmannKyle Rittenhouse, and numerous white men seeking higher office.


Also, when you consider the totality of the campaign — all the forced and unfunny “Kamala is brat” coconut tree memes on TikTok, the kindergarten teachers-turned-Democrat influencers talking to voters like they’re children, and now ubiquitous characterizations of the Trump-Vance campaign push for family values as “weird” — it becomes clear that this messaging is aimed at a decidedly female, always-online audience.

Simply stated, it’s a fully intentional effort by the Harris campaign to make the 2024 electorate split about sex, not policy, just like Democrats and the media tried to do in 2016. And just like in 2016, the male vote will make or break the Trump or Harris campaign — but a great deal has changed since Hillary Clinton was beaten. 

Ed Morrissey

That was my first reaction too -- why is this any different than the Left's activism for the last couple of decades? Or more? It's the Hillary! campaign all over again, only with less experience and intellectual heft. 

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