When's the Kamala Press Conference?

The demands that were made of Biden were designed to shatter a stalemated status quo. At the time, Biden’s career languished in political limbo, and an extended exchange with reporters would destabilize a set of circumstances that were disadvantageous for Democrats. If Biden performed at par, he would quell dissenters. If he bombed, it would hasten his exit from the race. Either way, putting Biden through the gauntlet was desirable.


By contrast, the status quo that prevails today is not one that discomforts the Democratic Party. Harris’s star continues to rise amid a glowing reception from the Fourth Estate and relieved Democratic voters — a trajectory that will continue through August and into the party’s nominating convention. It may be in voters’ interests to get an untreated eyeful of the Democratic Party’s nominee if only to assess the degree to which her ability to manage inputs in real-time improves on the president’s capabilities. But it’s not in the interests of those who support her candidacy.

Ed Morrissey

And that clearly includes the media ... for now. But that's not sustainable for very long, not for the media that wants some engagement, and not for Harris either. We don't have a pandemic to excuse another basement campaign, and if Harris can do rallies, she can do interviews as well. And voters will start demanding it -- soon. 

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