The Obama-Biden Iranian Spy Scandal Spreads to Harris

The mysterious Malley saga includes other players, several of whom are linked to the National Iranian American Council, an NGO that advocates in Tehran’s interests. NIAC is viewed as a front for Iranian intelligence by Western counterspies. The NIAC orbit also touched the Iran Experts Initiative, which served to push Tehran’s line on several security-related issues. IEI members included multiple Malley friends and proteges, including Ariane Tabatabai, who was appointed chief of staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, a highly sensitive Pentagon position requiring Top Secret security clearances. Requests by Congress for information have been met with more stonewalling by Team Biden, and Tabatabai is reportedly still in the Pentagon, notwithstanding that she appears to be an Iranian spy of some sort.


Is Vice President Kamala Harris involved with this Iranian espionage ring? Certainly the extended Malley network has been very welcome in the Biden White House, allowing NIAC access to the administration (just as it enjoyed under Obama). Harris criticized the Soleimani assassination, while her public appearance alongside known NIAC agents raises counterintelligence questions. Now Congress is asking what’s going on here.

Today, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) sent Vice President Harris a letter which pointedly inquires into the relationship between the aforementioned Ariane Tabatabai and Phil Gordon, a Democratic foreign policy guru who served in the Obama administration and since 2021 has been the vice president’s National Security Adviser. 

Ed Morrissey

Keep an eye on this. It may blow up soon if Cotton and Stefanik -- especially Stefanik in a GOP-controlled House -- can force this into public hearings. 

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