Stephen Smith: What If Olympics Debacle Fires Up Religious Voters in US?

“I’m a conservative with my dollars. I’m liberal every other way,” Smith said. “I’m liberal. I get it. I’m cool; but I know tens of millions of conservatives won’t be, and there’s an election coming up.


“When people go to the polls… there’s usually one overlapping, dominant issue that influences who they vote for. So what if, all of a sudden, Roe v. Wade, immigration, and the economy suddenly didn’t become the priority that religion is? What if folks decided to go to the polls because, ‘I either love what I saw,’ or, ‘I can’t stand what I saw’? You ever think about that? I don’t think they did, but the conservatives did everywhere; and who knows how they’ll react to it.”

Ed Morrissey

Well, a fellow can dream, can't he? 

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