Being Called Weird By Weirdos

Enough with the political filth. Let us consider Captain Sam Brown, who sustained burns to 30% of his body — including his face — when an IED exploded in Afghanistan. He’s running for Congress.


NV Dems tweeted:

You can’t make this up: Sam Brown and JD Vance are claiming to be champions for hardworking Nevadans — from a private jet.

They’re not only hypocrites… they’re just plain weird

... Just remember, the world is not as dark as it seen on TV or social media.

And also, being called weird by a weirdo is a compliment. Acme and its Democrat customers failed to realize that.

Ed Morrissey

It's not at all unusual for campaigns to charter jets. Donald Trump owns his own jet. Harris will fly around in Air Force One Two, which will look pretty weird to voters who wonder why Biden isn't the candidate after winning 99% of the delegates. And that attack on Brown was so idiotic that it exposed Democrat weirdness all on its own. 

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