Girling the Boy Scouts

Does it matter, then, that the Boy Scouts of America has now extirpated the last use of “boy” found in its entire portfolio—the “boy” in “Boy Scouts of America,” the name of the parent organization? It does. That the Boy Scouts cannot tolerate even an atavistic use of “boy” reveals how powerful the impulse is to efface males from our culture. The transformation of the Boy Scouts of America into Scouting America is an object lesson in the incapacity of traditional institutions to withstand progressive takeover.


The need for an entity that valorizes males, or that merely acknowledges their existence, is greater today than when the Boy Scouts was founded in the early twentieth century. ...

Men, in short, are in a parlous state. If only there were an organization to encourage boys to strive for goodness, self-mastery, and excellence! Oh, wait: such an institution already exists—or did, until it was dismantled.

Ed Morrissey

When people complain about the state of modern masculinity, do they even consider the dismantling of such positive influences as Boy Scouts for formation? And what did that leave for formation for boys and young men? Pop culture?

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