CBPD Arrests Three Palestinian Terror Suspects at Border

Kamala Harris as Border Czar is doing a bang up job guys! The Border Patrol apprehended three terror suspects in the San Diego sector earlier this month.

Border agents detained three Palestinian migrants who illegally crossed the southern border after they were found to have possible ties to terrorist organizations earlier this month, according to sources.

One of the migrants had “salacious photos” on their phone — including a picture of a masked man holding an AK-47 rifle, federal law enforcement sources said.

In addition to the three Palestinians, federal authorities caught one migrant from Turkey who was also suspected of having ties to terror groups.


How many illegals with suspected ties to terrorist organizations is that now? A minimum number when you consider how many likely DIDN’T show up at an actual border crossing. I don’t know about you, but I shudder to think how many have slipped through the cracks. Especially since the Border Patrol is and has been telling us they just don’t have the tools to vet everyone properly. 

Border Patrol agents told The Post they do not have the tools to fully vet migrants and people with connections to terrorist organizations are slipping through the cracks.

‘I wanted to get into Border Patrol and protect from terrorists. And it’s like, well, I probably let terrorists in the country,’ said one border agent.

‘Knowing who these guys are, we have, like, no access to anything international. Like, we really don’t and it kind of sucks.’

Oh, I’d say it kicks rocks bigly. Especially when you consider that the State Department isn’t helping because they aren’t working to ensure the Border Patrol has ACCESS to International databases! That’s not a matter of money.


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