CA Dems: Not Our Best Candidate, but #YOLO or Something

Some California Democratic delegates aren’t convinced Vice President Kamala Harris is the best candidate to succeed President Joe Biden—but they supported her coronation as the party's presumptive presidential nominee anyway, they told Politico.


"She’s not our best candidate, but she’s gonna be the candidate," one California delegate told Politico, expressing disappointment that there wasn’t an open primary process. "There’s no point in not getting on board," the delegate added. ...

California political insiders, Politico reported, are "trying to squelch" their concerns about Harris's "over-cautious instincts, periodic word salads on the stump, and persistent staff upheavals."

Ed Morrissey

I may have more on this later tonight, so stay tuned. In the meantime, this underscores what Freddie deBoer argued today as well -- a real primary would have solved this problem. 

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