Hunter Drops 'Revenge Porn'/Defamation Suit Against Fox

The same day his father, Joe Biden, announced that he would drop out of the 2024 presidential race, Hunter Biden voluntarily dropped his lawsuit against Fox News that had alleged the network's inclusion of sexually graphic photos of Hunter Biden in a fictionalized "mock trial" miniseries about him violated revenge porn laws.


According to the notice filed with the court Sunday (July 21), Hunter Biden, "by and through his undersigned counsel, hereby gives notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice, against the defendants Fox News Network, LLC, Fox Corporation, and John and Jane Does 1-100." The dropping of the case "without prejudice" means it may be refiled at a later date. ...

Hunter Biden's lawsuit alleged that Fox knew that its use of the "intimate images" of Biden in "The Trial of Hunter Biden" series "would violate New York state's revenge porn laws" and that "The unauthorized publication and dissemination of the intimate images has caused Mr. Biden severe emotional distress, humiliation, and mental anguish, as well as irreparable injury to his personal and professional reputation."

Ed Morrissey

This lawsuit was going nowhere anyway. Hunter is a public person in the Sullivan context, and the supposed issue of "intimate images" is a very public matter in relation to probes into Hunter's business connections to government. In fact, by making himself part of his father's policy discussions at the White House, Hunter made his judgment even more of a public issue. 

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