MSNBC Mourns Biden Loss

Over the last week or two, MSNBC has blasted conservative videos of Biden as “cheap fakes.” The videos, often highlighting the senile actions of Biden, have been accused of being “manipulated” and “misinformation.” However, following Thursday’s debate, Biden’s condition was undeniable, forcing Ana Cabrera Reports to admit further videos won’t be needed as they lamented Biden was un able to respond to Trump’s “lies.”


Cabrera played a clip of Trump and wondered, “We know so much of what we heard there is not true, and yet time after time in answering questions, he spouted falsehoods and mistruths, you could call them lies, unchecked. I mean, what was your reaction to that?”

MSNBC Republican mourned that:

There was so many lost opportunities for President Biden, and I actually think he was probably really well-prepared, but he was almost overprepared. He had too much information … he just couldn't deliver the lines. And that goes to the underlying problem of his age, which he was supposed to show the American public last night that he could be ready for another four years, and lead this country. And what is very concerning going forward from this debate for President Biden is that there's a narrative now built in.

Beege Welborn

And, of course, the de rigeur wailing about Trump getting a 'free pass for the lies.'

See my Friday post about that.

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