Pussycat Dolls Singer: Children Are a Blessing From God

The Rally for Life in Dublin, Ireland is delighted to announce that Kaya Jones, former singer with famed band The Pussycat Dolls, will be speaking at this year’s pro-life rally, taking place on Sat 6th July at 1:30pm in Parnell Square.


Kaya has described in stark terms how she believes the music industry controls and abuses young women, including pressuring them into having an abortion. She also gives an important insight into how a culture which does not value human life, and sees unborn babies as disposable, leads to women having multiple abortions and then living with the sad and heart-breaking consequences.

She has been outspoken about her past abortions, including being pressured into undergoing one while she was a former member of The Pussycat Dolls.

Years later, she found faith in Jesus Christ and began sharing her story with the hope that it would change lives.

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