Will Biden Commute Hunter's Sentence? KJP: 'He Loves His Son'


“What I will say is look, I haven’t spoken to the president about this since the verdict came out and as we all know the sentencing hasn’t even been scheduled yet,” Jean-Pierre added, noting that the sentencing in Hunter’s case was scheduled for later in the summer. “But you saw the president do an interview just last week when he was in Normandy and he was asked a question, several questions, a couple questions about this and he very clear, very up front, obviously very definitive and I just don’t have anything he, you have his own words. I just don’t have anything beyond that.”

Another reporter pressed again: “So you’re not ruling out that he would commute the sentence?”

Jean-Pierre responded in the same fashion, repeating, “What I’m saying is that the president, I have not spoken to the president about this and what I’m saying is he was asked about a pardon, he was asked about, he was asked about the trial specifically and he answered it very clearly, very forthright. As we know the sentencing hasn’t even been scheduled yet, I don’t have anything beyond what the president said. He’s been very clear about this.”

Ed Morrissey

If Hunter gets prison time, Biden will commute the sentence ... on November 6th. Bank on it. He will explain that "I love my son," and that commutation doesn't touch the jury's verdict.

The problem for Biden is that he might have to do it again in the tax-evasion trial Hunter faces soon. 

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