We Need a Cease-Fire ... on Lawfare

Now that Hunter Biden and President Trump have both been convicted of crimes with which they never should have been charged, maybe it’s time for a truce. The weaponization of the criminal justice system has now targeted the son of a prominent Democrat and a prominent Republican. The time has come for mutual disarmament. ...


The blindfolded statue of justice represents this age-old commandment. Yet the recent politicization of our criminal justice system has removed the blindfold in many cases against high-profile defendants on both sides of the aisle.

Unless a cease fire is agreed upon by both sides the legal bloodletting will continue.

Ed Morrissey

It's an interesting proposal that neither side will take seriously. Democrats are doubling down on lawfare in New Jersey to punish Trump for running again; Republicans believe, with some justification, that Democrats have to feel the pain to disincentivize further lawfare. 

The only way to get a truce is to change the leadership in both parties, and ... it's a little too late for that this cycle. 

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