Federal Judge Slaps Down Biden Tranny Title IX Rewrite

As part of the radical left’s war against Christianity and the nuclear family, the social justice-infected Democratic party has decided to make pandering to confused and mentally ill men a higher priority than protecting actual women. Despite how deeply unpopular this anti-reality position with the American public, conservatives were initially slow to take up the fight against it, either cowed by histrionic emotional arguments (“If you deny transexualism, you’re literally forcing them to kill themselves!”) or an inability to believe that the something so brazenly absurd is real and not some sort of elaborate joke. But when the Biden Administration tries to rewrite Title IX, a law written to protect women, by executive fiat to mean the exact opposite of the statutory language in order to protect men pretending to be woman at the expense of actual women, then we have to assume that they are very serious indeed.

Texas is fortunate to have a governor and attorney general who are not afraid to fight against the Biden Administration’s war on reality.


Ed Morrissey

When they're not fighting between themselves, that is. But yes, this is precisely the kind of challenge that's needed to allow Title IX to work as intended -- to prevent discrimination against women, actual women, not men cosplaying as women. 

The full order can be found here. This paragraph gets to the heart of the substance and procedural issues:

The Guidance Documents’ interpretation of “sex” and the accompanying requirement that schools treat “gender identity” the same as sex flouts Title IX. The Department lacks the authority to “rewrite clear statutory terms to suit its own sense of how the statute should operate,” particularly in a way that undercuts a statute’s purpose. Util. Air Regul. Grp. v. EPA, 573 U.S. 302, 328 (2014). Yet this is exactly what the Guidance Documents do. By interpreting the term “sex” in Title IX to embrace “gender identity”120 as distinct from biological sex, the Guidance Documents are contrary to law and exceed the Department’s statutory authority. 

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