Biden's Gaza Pier Plan Every Bit as Bad as You Imagined

Those involved in the shipping industry in Cyprus described the pier’s suspension as inevitable. 

“We know the weather, and we know the rhythm of the waves and the wind at any time of year, and we could have told it was not going to work,” Miki Peleg, general manager of EDT Offshore, a Cypriot cargo ship-owning company that, with Fogbow, was contracted by the U.S. military to remove the pier, via tugboats, back to Gaza’s shores. ...


While the Pentagon has allotted enough money to pay for the pier to receive aid for three months, those familiar with its operations say they don’t expect it to last that long, at least not without multiple repairs. 

If the pier shuts down permanently, the aid could end up being delivered by sea to the Ashdod port in Israel, and then sent along the very land routes the maritime corridor was meant to bypass. 

Ed Morrissey

As Duane and David have both written before, this perfectly encapsulates Joe Biden's intellect and strategic capacity. He came up with a half-assed tactic out of spite toward the Israelis and committed to it without adequate research. Rather than admit his error, he put American troops in danger to force the solution, only to see it washed away almost immediately by reality. He then pretended that he could override reality, and his plan collapsed again. In the end, he wasted a Solyndra of money only to end up where we started ... in Ashdod working with the Israelis rather than grandstanding an attempt to work around them. 

Joe Biden is and always has been twenty pounds of bull**** in a ten-pound back, intellectually as well as morally. 

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