Calling All Reluctant Trumpers

Donald Trump emerged from a spirited primary process to be the clear favorite to be the Republican nominee.  Reluctant Trumpers now have a duty to get on board and support Donald Trump for President.


But in like fashion, those of us all-in, passionate Trump supporters have a duty to respect the validity of prior Reluctant Trump concerns and to persuade them to ultimately vote for Donald Trump.  Persuadable Reluctant Trumpers are our allies in the fight to save our republic.  Convince them, yes. Insult them, no.  However they come to the right action is desirable, maybe even admirable.  Elections are about addition, not subtraction.  Let’s welcome the Reluctant Trumpers into the tent and win this crucial election overwhelmingly, beyond the margin of Democratic fraud.

Ed Morrissey

It helps to make a cogent and attractive argument, rather than just heap abuse on anyone with reservations. Wright does a good job of it here. 

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