Olympics Create List of Banned Words for Journalists IRT Trans Athletes

Remember when the Olympics were fun to watch? Welcome to the Games of Paris of 2024, where men compete against women. The Olympics put out a list of harmful words and terms not to use when reporting on the Games, specifically for these men pretending to be women.


Just because the Olympics tightened some policies on allowing men to compete against women (they must have transitioned before puberty), it doesn’t mean there won’t be men competing against women. Because we know you cannot change your sex or your biological makeup, no matter how much estrogen a male takes.

Banned Words

So, the Olympics have decided to become complicit in reframing the narrative. You should definitely click on the provided link and see for yourself.

In a new 33-page document, the International Olympic Committee warned the media against using terms such as ‘born male’, ‘born female’, ‘biologically male’ and ‘biologically female’, which they claim is ‘problematic language’...

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