NEW: Merchan Alerts Both Sides to FB Comment Claiming Jury Pre-Judged Verdict

“Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System’s public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention,” Judge Juan Merchan wrote in a letter dated Friday. 


“My cousin is a juror and said Trump is getting convicted,” the post stated, according to Merchan's letter. “Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!”

Merchan said that the comment, which was attributed to a user identified as Michael Anderson, was "now labeled as one week old," and was posted in response to a routine notice from the court posted on May 29 about oral arguments unrelated to proceedings in Trump’s case.

Ed Morrissey

Beege flagged this one for me. This should be fun ... but don't get your hopes up too much. 'Michael Anderson' could just have been someone trolling the court by pretending to be in contact with one of the jurors. That's a long way from meeting the threshold of establishing juror misconduct. There are lots of other good reasons to overturn this case on appeal. Still, stay tuned ... weirder things have happened. 

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