CNN: Supreme Court Lacks Legitimacy

On Thursday, CNN’s Laura Coates mocked Supreme Court justices by declaring, “at the end of the day, if I hold my breath long enough and bite my tongue long enough, you'll call me justice.” Meanwhile, former Obama White House senior director Nayyera Haq and GOP Rep. Joe Walsh made it evident that they believe the Supreme Court could use some upgrades.


Coates began by playing a clip of First Lady Jill Biden on The View. In the clip, Biden started out by warning, “Think of the Supreme Court. For God's sake, talk about things getting worse! Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court?”

As the clip continued, Jill Biden confidently stated that, “We will lose all of our rights! We’re talking about women’s rights, gay rights” if Donald Trump gets reelected.

Afterward, Coates asked, “Should they be leaning into this messaging more about the Supreme Court composition?”

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