SCOTUS Rules for Republicans in Redistricting Battle

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Republicans in a crucial redistricting case for the state of South Carolina that had Democrats alleging “racism.”

Democrats and the NAACP had taken the legislature’s redistricting map to court claiming that it was racially discriminatory and a lower court agreed, telling the legislature that the map was unconstitutional.


The state, though, appealed the decision to the nation’s highest court and in a 6-3 decision, the court sided with conservatives and ruled that the lower court was wrong, that the map was not created to discriminate against minority voters, according to Fox News

For the majority, Justice Samuel Alito added that, “a party challenging a map’s constitutionality must disentangle race and politics if it wishes to prove that the legislature was motivated by race as opposed to partisanship. Second, in assessing a legislature’s work, we start with a presumption that the legislature acted in good faith.”

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