Dems Release Damning Photo of Alito Reading the Constitution

"This is shameful behavior unbecoming of any Supreme Court judge," argued Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. "To think that we have had a dangerous extremist sitting on our highest court this whole time is terrifying. Can you believe it? A Supreme Court justice engaging in troubling activities like reading the U.S. Constitution, a well-known white supremacist document often cited by white supremacists? This scandal will shake our judicial branch to its core."


Other leading Democrats wasted no time in calling for Justice Alito to be removed from the court, or for him to recuse himself from any case involving the Constitution. 

Ed Morrissey

This is only slightly more absurd than accusing Alito of having insurrectionist sympathies because his wife once flew an American flag upside down or had a historic American Revolution flag at his boathouse. This is just desperation by the Left to set up arguments about an "extremist" court when decisions come down next month, especially the one on presidential immunity. This campaign is utterly shameless. 

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