This Is How You Get More Ants

Anyway, give Columbia some credit.  They got rid of the encampment, they’re – allegedly –disciplining students who misbehaved, and they have peace.

Contrast that with Harvard, which basically capitulated in order to get the protesters to leave before commencement.  Amnesty and promises of divestment talks.  Once you pay the Danegeld, you’re never rid of the Dane. ...


You want more lawless student protests?  This is how you get more lawless student protests.

The Democrats are no doubt relieved to have this kind of thing out of the news over the summer, but it’ll probably be back in the fall, and it will serve them right if it is.  Spoiled, privileged, entitled children on a rampage is a good metaphor for leftist politics in general, and don’t think people aren’t noticing.

Ed Morrissey

The best outcome for the Democrats is the one they're trying hardest to obstruct: a rapid victory by Israel in Gaza and the destruction of Hamas. Instead, they're trying to re-freeze the conflict and allow Hamas the opportunity to restart it. The Biden administration is a collection of moral and strategic idiots, who also are about to reap what they have sown. 

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