Bloomberg Trump v Kamala Poll Shows Torricelli Option On the Table


Obviously, Trump thumps Kumala.

But why even ask? What are they hearing?

Ed Morrissey

That is strange, but maybe it's a way to discourage Dems from taking that step. I mean, these numbers certainly would discourage anyone from replacing Biden with Harris -- and they can't replace him with anyone else now that the primaries are over. Attempting to push Harris out for Newsom or Whitmer would blow up their alliance with the CRT/DEI-drenched progressive Left and crater the Dems all the way down the ballot. 

The time to replace Biden and open up the options was in December. It's too late to do that now; Dems voted for Biden (and arguably Harris), and to reject their votes would infuriate too many voters. It would be an utter disaster. 

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