We Must Stop Being Afraid

The Netherlands is about as close as you can get to Belgium, but Amsterdam has just moved as far away as possible from Brussels, the malign headquarters of the increasingly fascistic European Union, and has told it to take its regulations regarding things like "climate change" and immigration and stuff them where the sun don't shine. "No wasting billions on pointless climate hobbies, but more money for our people," the newly forming coalition Dutch government's Geert Wilders, has said. "We have been made to fear climate change for decades... We must stop being afraid."


Coming on the heels of regime change in Italy and Argentina, the Dutch Nation's revolution against the power of the internationalist State is another manifestation of the rejection of the New World Order so loudly proclaimed at the beginning of the Great Covid Panic of 2019-22 by European and American bureaucrats and their apparatchiks in the media. Led philosophically and practically by the bonzes of Davos under Klaus Schwab, they openly proclaimed "the Great Reset," opportunistically piggy-backing onto the Chinese-manufactured (with help from Anthony Fauci & Co.) Covid virus, sending the world into an economic tailspin and helping facilitate the election of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., as president of the United States. 

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