The Most Embarrassing Sentence Ever at the NY Times

The need to establish some link between conduct that should, according to Wegman, compel Thomas to recuse himself from Trump-related cases and Alito’s alleged offense produced what I’m confident ranks as one of the most embarrassing sentences the Times has ever published: “Justice Thomas’s extreme closeness with his wife (he has described them as being melded ‘into one being’) raises similar doubts about his ability to be impartial.”


Get that? “Extreme closeness.” A degree of marital devotion well beyond that which Americans should tolerate in their Supreme Court justices. Thomas’s judgment cannot be trusted — indeed, he appears to be “breaking federal law” — by virtue of failing to maintain an arm’s-length relationship with his own wife. Their suspect “closeness” must be seen as the most observable sign of a nefarious plot to undermine the separation of powers.

Ed Morrissey

Come on, man

When we argue that the Left wants to target the nuclear family, this is exactly what we mean. Marriage, especially as understood in its original religious context, creates the family as the most basic building block of any healthy society. The Thomases don't have a unique understanding of marriage as being "melded into one being" -- that's the mainstream Christian model of marriage. 'They shall become one flesh,' anyone? Genesis 2:24?

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