WTF, Los Angeles?

Jane Fonda earned her place in the Pantheon of American traitors by giving aid and comfort to the enemy while our men were still fighting and dying, and while prisoners of war in the infamous Hanoi Hilton were routinely tortured to force them to meet with visiting American propagandists such as Jane Fonda, Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and other fellow travelers. Despite that record, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution proclaiming “April 30 of each year as Jane Fonda Day.


Most Vietnam veterans’ views of Fonda were summed up by James Webb, former Secretary of the Navy and holder of the Navy Cross, when he was being interviewed on a radio talk show. The interviewer mentioned that Fonda was in town and asked Webb if he would like to meet her. Webb’s response to the chance to meet a beautiful celebrity movie star? “Jane Fonda can kiss my ass. I wouldn’t go across the street to watch her slit her wrist.”

Ed Morrissey

I am mystified that anyone thought a Jane Fonda Day was a good idea once, let alone on an ongoing basis. She's the one actor whose work I assiduously avoid wherever possible. I don't hold grudges against anti-war activists of the era, but Fonda actually went to North Vietnam to promote the cause of those killing and imprisoning American soldiers in hideous torment. Lucas has a very thorough review of Fonda's treason. 

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