Biden Admin Fast-Tracking Rule Changes As Trump Victory Becomes a Threat

The administrative state is preparing for former President Donald Trump to win reelection by implementing a surge of bureaucratic regulations before a deadline that renders them difficult to undue [sic] by a potential Trump administration. ...


Biden’s administrative state published 111 more regulations than Trump implemented at the same point in his term, Axios reported. Many of the rules will protect the progressive agenda of “climate change,” such as limiting auto tailpipe emissions and forcing power plants to cut carbon dioxide emissions.

The rules implemented during an upcoming “lookback period” can be reversed in a potential Trump administration via the Congressional Review Act. Any rules put into action before the deadline cannot be reversed. When the “lookback period” begins in 2024 is murky, but Axios reported Biden’s deadline to range between next week and September.

Ed Morrissey

They can be reversed, but it will take longer to accomplish. However, if the White House rushes these through by violating the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), a court will reverse them immediately if challenged. The APA is a potent tool for plaintiffs seeking to reverse arbitrary imposition of regulations. 

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