
Israel is trying to convince the Palestinian Authority to help manage the Gaza side of the Rafah Border Crossing with Egypt but has been rebuffed by Ramallah, a US official told The Times of Israel on Monday.


The offer was the first time that Israel quietly proposed having some PA involvement in Gaza after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the idea for months, sometimes equating the PA in the West Bank to the Hamas terror group.

But the proposal came with a significant caveat — the officers at the crossing would have to identify themselves as part of a local humanitarian organization because Netanyahu fears that official PA involvement at Rafah would not be accepted by his far-right coalition partners, the US official said, confirming reporting in the Axios news site.

Ed Morrissey

Again, it seems that reports out of Israel may have been somewhat ... confused. This isn't an American media issue; the Netanyahu-Gallant clash took place openly and were reported by Israeli media as well. But it does seem that a little game-playing may have taken place too.

If the PA won't cooperate, though, shouldn't that put an end to the idea of "non-Hamas Palestinian officials" taking control of Gaza?

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