Another Interesting Metric Emerging in 2024 Polling? The 2020 Base


Beege Welborn

This election is still a long way off, but wow. The turnaround in the numbers and attitudes in street interviews have been so fascinating.

Really kind of fun imagining what's happening in Dem quarters where there are more than two brain cells operational. What's the plan when you're stuck with who you've got and facing down the prospect of a convention that puts all your grossest attributes on full display, even if the media helps to hide some of it? There are too many Julio Rosas and Andy Ngos et al out there now, X is now INFORMATION FREEDOM CENTRAL for posting along with Fox, OANN, Newmax, etc . 

Oh, no - they can't spackle over anywhere near as much of the inconvenient truth.

Has to be galling. It's going to be glorious.

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