DeSantis Ban on Lab-Grown Meat Right Out of the Liberal Nanny-State Playbook

Like most bad things in America, it is liberals’ fault. It all started when the values of college town granola co-ops metastasized to every grocery store, 7-Eleven and bodega in America. Every time a suburban mom buys a gluten-free, non-GMO, soy milk latte in a recycled, sustainable cup made with fair trade organic coffee at Starbucks without thinking about it, she bows before the power of liberals to impose their morality on us all. 


Of course, Republicans were going to rebel. And their rebellion will be every bit as stupid and intrusive as liberals’ provocation. 

They’ll make sure every fast-food burger joint traffics in dead cow meat paste instead of humane lab-grown meat paste. The food will be the same schlock, but at least slaughterhouses will still be in business. Big government will shred the First Amendment to make sure that calling soy juice by the harmless misnomer “soy milk” will confuse no low-IQ red state denizens into hurting the dairy industry. Thank goodness.

Ed Morrissey

I like DeSantis, but Mastio's completely correct here. If the food is safe for consumption and is labeled honestly, then that becomes a consumer choice, not a government choice. The government's role here is to ensure safety and compliance with labeling regulations, not to deprive people of a choice. The Left has conducted a silly jeremiad against GMO for decades, and we don't need to tread down the same intemperate path just to pwn the libs.

As conservatives, we should opt for the government that governs least and allows its citizens to govern themselves most. 

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