Morehouse College Has Second Thoughts About Biden Commencement Speech

Regine Jackson, a professor of sociology and the dean of the Humanities, Social Sciences, Media and Arts Division, said the faculty members were hoping for some “direct engagement” with Biden ahead of his speech, pointing to a town hall Vice President Kamala Harris held during her visit to the school last fall. 


“There was an opportunity for an exchange, and we all recognize that commencement is not that opportunity, so [we’re] trying to find and carve out space and time for that,” Jackson said. 

Jackson was among the roughly 80 faculty members who joined a virtual meeting last week, arranged by Morehouse administration leaders, to give them an avenue to voice their concerns, which largely centered on worries that Biden’s presence could distract from the graduation ceremony and unease over his policies toward Israel and its war in the Gaza Strip.

Ed Morrissey

Why would the White House agree to this in the first place? Biden's handlers won't make him available to speak about the massive anti-Semitic riots in college campuses; they just started issuing statements in his name in the past few days condemning the riots and the rhetoric. An appearance at a commencement now would make Biden look as though he's endorsing those anti-Semitic intimidation campaigns, plus force him to speak directly and publicly to the issue rather than hide behind Anita Dunn's skirts.

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