What's Eating Uncle Joe?

Actually, Joe’s uncle’s plane was went down, for unknown reasons, over open water. The plane sank and several crewmen went down with it. Their bodies were not found, but they weren’t eaten by cannibals.


You can see in these videos how feeble Biden is. He doesn’t make sense on even the most basic points. For example, he says that his uncles all went down to the recruiting station and volunteered the day after D-Day. Which would have been a little late. In fact, Joe’s uncle’s plane crashed a month before D-Day. No doubt Biden meant to refer to Pearl Harbor. But he can hardly get through a sentence without descending into incoherence.

Ed Morrissey

Had this been Donald Trump, the media would have pounced, seized, and attacked (to use their language about Republicans) over the incoherence and flat-out lies. Right now as I post this, there's already an effort on social media to turn this into a "Republicans Pounce!®" story. But the real story is that Biden can't remain coherent when talking extemporaneously. 

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