NYC Firefighters Forced to Remove 'Thin Red Line'

As we celebrate this Resurrection Day in America (because we’re still allowed), New Yorkers are calling the finest of New York’s firefighters (FDNY) a bunch of racists.


The story goes something like this, according to The New York Post. A man on a bicycle goes cycling past the East 2nd Street firehouse and sees the American Flag with the thin red line. My stars! Man on a bicycle is triggered. Besides himself with the “fascist” symbol that was shoved in his face, this man walks in and confronts the Ladder Co. 11 firefighters.

BOY! Would I have loved to been in on THAT altercation. While I hope some of the finest of FDNY wiped the floor with this schmuck, it’s a curious story. The man claimed to be a staffer for Democratic Manhattan Councilwoman Carlina Rivera. This story goes back a couple of weeks:

On March 19, the FDNY received an email from Lisander Rosario – a staffer for Rivera – saying a constituent had contacted the office twice to complain about the ladder company’s flag and ask if it violated any rules.”-The Daily Mail

I mean, it’s bad enough that some think members of FDNY need to be “reeducated“…but this?

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