Time for America to Make Judgment Great Again

Christianity is in decline in America. We’ve also embraced tolerance and non-judgmentalism as a society to such an extent that we’ve turned both things from virtues into vices.


At this point, America would probably benefit from being ten times more judgmental and intolerant because that’s about what it would take to balance the scales in a society where there’s controversy over firing a teacher who raps in her spare time under the name “Drippin Honey” and we’re literally sending men to women’s prison because they want to go there, say they’re women and we don’t want to hurt their feelings by telling them that they’re not. ...

Believe it or not, moral courage is even rarer than physical courage and most people just want to be popular. We certainly don’t know who the most popular person in Sodom and Gomorrah actually was, but we can be pretty sure it wasn’t Lot, who was the good guy hero of the Bible story about the destruction of those two cities. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being popular per se, but how popular would you want to be in Sodom and Gomorrah? When everyone is doing the wrong thing, what the world desperately needs is more people speaking on behalf of the right thing, even if it’s not the popular thing. We’re not just talking about the big things either.

Ed Morrissey

John makes a pretty good point about the common misinterpretation of the Gospel passage, "Judge not lest ye be judged," as well as the parable of the mote and the beam. The latter is about the ability to discern wisely; the former is about usurping God's authority for ultimate judgment. We are not just allowed to discern, we are called to do so by first grounding ourselves in the caritas of Christ's love. 

A society without discernment looks ... well, like a society that thinks feelings trump biological reality and that victims should cooperate with crime rather than organizing their communities to punish and disincentivize it. We may not be slouching toward Gomorrah, but we're racing downhill into Idiocracy, as John argues up front. 

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