Tony Bobulinski Rips Off the Band-Aid

Hunter Biden perjured himself during his February closed-door interview with the House impeachment inquiry, former Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski testified Wednesday.


Bobulinski previously alleged that President Joe Biden is the “big guy” marked in a text message to receive a ten percent stake in a joint venture with CEFC China Energy Co., a company with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

Bobulinski provided examples to support his claim of perjury during his opening statement Wednesday morning.

In the first example, Bobulinski questioned the timing of when Hunter began to work with CEFC:

1. In Hunter’s transcript (Page 42), he states, “I officially began to do work for CEFC when the – when I received a retainer from CEFC in early – or spring of 2017”. Why, then, did Hunter yell at CEFC Executive Director Zang in front of his entourage as I sat right next to him in New York City on Sunday May 7th, 2017? Hunter was adamant that he was owed the rest of the $20 Million CEFC had committed to paying for the work he had claimed he had done in prior years.

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