Mexico Begins Constructing Wall to Prevent Migrants From Coming Back

As the debate in the United States continued to rage over the ongoing migrant crisis along the southern border, Mexico announced plans to begin construction on a wall to keep illegal immigrants from coming back.


The idea to build a wall along its northern border, which Mexican leaders said they came up with all by themselves, will prevent unvetted and unidentified migrants from entering the country, thereby making Mexico a safer, more secure nation.

"It's going to be a big, beautiful wall," said Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. "We're going to build a wall and we're going to make the United States pay for it. If the U.S. thinks they can just send endless waves of Mexican gang members, criminals, rapists, and murderers into Mexico, they've got another thing coming. A nation without borders is not a nation. We've got to build a wall and make Mexico great again!"

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