The Left's Worst Idea (This Week)

As you may know, the mainstream media is going through massive layoffs, to which a paraphrase of the great Oscar Wilde line comes to mind—one has to have a heart of stone not to laugh at massive media layoffs, given the increasing partisan mendacity and advancing mediocrity of the mainstream media.


So guess what is proposed to reverse this dire situation? Behold The Jacobin (which is certainly an appropriate name for the publication):

US Media Is Collapsing. Here’s How to Save It.

Mass layoffs are tearing through US media. To preserve a functioning media ecosystem, we need three things: immediate aid to struggling journalists, public subsidies to smaller news outlets, and eventually industry transformation into a publicly funded system.

Ed Morrissey

That's a terrible idea. Government-funded media turns into government-serving media very quickly. That is the incentive it will set, and it's the incentive that will dominate. We don't need government-owned or even government-approved media, because the real value of media in a free society is its adversarial position to government and power by a focus on objective truth. 

In reality, we have government approved media already. And people aren't buying it any more. 

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