Supreme Court Rules -- Pundits Played for Fools

Trump derangement syndrome is real, and has captured some of the most famous minds of the legal academy.  Laurence Tribe – once a very serious scholar and one willing, occasionally at least, to break with left-orthodoxy – is one example. 


Is there an anti-Trump conspiracy theory or legal argument that he hasn’t embraced?  He was all in on the “Russian collusion” hoax, which was pretty obviously false but which sucked in so many Democrats before Trump was even sworn in. ...

Law professors live in a world of abstract ideas, and of few consequences.  (Unless one offends the wokies, of course).  There’s thus a strong tendency to play to the groundlings, which in this case means the hosts and audiences at MSNBC and NPR.

Happily, our Supreme Court is made up of people with more grounding in real law and the real world. 

Ed Morrissey

Quite a few law professors should be issuing mea culpas today. Be sure to read it all. 

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