Poll: Two-Thirds Want Biden Out If Corruption Charges Prove True

Given the ongoing nature of both Congress’ investigation and its revelations, I&I/TIPP in recent months has asked those who answer the poll to respond to the following: “A congressional committee claims it has strong evidence that President Biden and his family took millions of dollars in bribes from foreign nations.”


The statement continues by saying, “If those claims turn out to be true, President Biden should” followed by five possible responses: “Resign immediately,” “Be impeached and removed from office,” “Be allowed to finish his term in office, but not run again,” “Run again in 2024, regardless of the findings,” and “Not sure.”

How did voters respond? 62% said Biden should either quit (24%) or be impeached (38%), while just 25% overall said he should finish out his term but not run again (14%) or run again in 2024, regardless of the corruption findings (11%). Another 12% answered “Not sure.”

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