'No Labels' Has New Idea for 2024 Ticket. Guess Who.


"No Labels" national director Joe Cunningham told "Fox & Friends" on Sunday that the group would "definitely" be interested in giving Nikki Haley a platform to run as a third-party presidential candidate if and when she drops out of the Republican primary. ...

"But we’re looking for great quality people and folks that have broad an appeal to independents, Democrats, Republicans. And, yeah, I mean, Nikki Haley is somebody we’d definitely be interested in," he said. "We won't be making a decision until after Super Tuesday. We’ve said from the onset that after Super Tuesday we’re going to look at who the presumptive nominees are, and if the vast majority of Americans are unhappy with those and we feel like we can put forward a ticket or offer a ballot line to candidates who can win, then we’re going to offer that ballot line."

Ed Morrissey

Haley's certainly a better idea than Joe Manchin. So why weren't they trying to recruit her last year? Or perhaps they were. I doubt Haley will bite, but she could make it very tough on Trump in swing states -- and Biden too. 

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