Nothing Succeeds Like Excess, Engoron Edition

Nothing succeeds like excess for judges like Engoron. By imposing this astronomical figure, he can make it difficult or impossible for a defendant to appeal, absent declaring bankruptcy or selling off assets at distress prices.


The excessive fine and its basis raise serious statutory and constitutional questions. Many of us believe it should be substantially reduced or tossed out entirely. ...

But the best that politicians like Hochul and Adams can offer is that you have nothing to fear from confiscatory actions unless you are Trump in New York.

Which is precisely why this decision should be overturned.

Ed Morrissey

Indeed. This is a persecution on behalf of a political agenda, not justice for alleged crimes that had no victims at all. Unfortunately, Trump will have little choice but to pay tens of millions of dollars for a bond that will be non-refundable in order to appeal, assuming he can find anyone willing to post the bond at all. 

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