I Am Ready to Fight Welsh Farming Reforms

As one of the world’s most respected and well-loved rugby referees, Nigel Owens prides himself on his sense of fair play and ability to follow the rules.

That is why his prominent involvement in a growing protest movement by farmers against the Welsh government may be causing the ruling Welsh Labour Party considerable concern.


Their concern may be further ­heightened by Owens telling The Times that he would be prepared to drive his tractor down the M4 to the Senedd in Cardiff Bay in protest if ­ministers do not listen and change their plans to make their new rural payments scheme linked to tree planting and ­habitat creation.

Owens, 52, who retired from refereeing in 2020, now farms cattle on his 100-acre plot in Carmarthenshire. He said he was drawing inspiration from the gay rights movement, which had given him equality as a gay man.

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