The Political Shrinkflation of Biden

When I first saw this video, I presumed it had to be some sort of satire. Apparently, it’s not. (link to potus account)

A sitting US president actually just did this.


It’s like some form of poe’s law where any leader of sufficient decrepitude cannot be discerned from a deepfake parody of himself. ...

What fascinates me is that it looks like his own team has turned on him. Consider: he’s got literal phalanxes of minders and handlers, marketing people, PR people.

And they are letting him get up and speak and sound like this at a time when he’s being accused of not being all there?

Ed Morrissey

I wondered about that, too. However, just because Biden surrounded himself with phalanxes of minders, handlers, and PR people, it doesn't mean they're competent. In fact, given that Biden hired them, I'd tend to assume just the opposite ... and they more or less proved that last Thursday, too. 

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