— Nils Svendsen (@nils_svendsen) February 10, 2024
We have been lied to. This is the message that goes all across of the Arab world suddenly after October 7th events and the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.
🔴Suddenly we discovered the Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people, has 36…
...Suddenly we discovered the Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people, has 36 hospitals. There are Arab countries with 30 million citizens and do not have this number of hospitals.
Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was getting water, electricity, gas and fuel for free from Israel. Of course, ts receiving 530 million a month from Qatar alone, and 120 million a month from UNRWA and 50 million a month from the European Union and S30 million a month from America. There are Arab countries drowning in debt and cannot find anyone to help them, even with 51 million.
Suddenly wediscovered that Gaza was not besieged and all goods were entering it as we foreigners and people of foreign nationalities. Its residents were travelling to Egypt and from there to the rest of the world, and there's many examples for that.
Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was living better than many Arab countries and its people were living better than many Arab peoples. Suddenly we discovered that our minds were besieged by a propaganda lie about what is going on in Gaza.
Suddenly we discovered that the children in Gaza are not children as we usually think, but children of terrorists with machine guns and suicide belts who underwent special training by Hamas.
Suddenly we discovered that the schools, hospitals and mosque in Gaza are organized by terror headquarters and ammunition warehouse with Hamas underground tunnels.
Suddenly we discovered that in Gaza there is an underground metro of Hamas that stretches for 500 kilometers, which Israel can only invade.
Suddenly we discovered that the supposedly doctors and teachers in Gaza turned out to be active Hamas terrorists.
Suddenly we discovered that rockets and mortars are kept in children's rooms in Gaza homes.
Suddenly we discovered that Hitler and his book Mein Kampf were very popular in Gaza and its translation into Arabic was in almost every home in Gaza or a portrait of the author.
Suddenly we discovered that the Gazans live a life of luxury with multi-storey mansions with swimming pool and premium German cars.
Suddenly we discovered that there is no Israeli siege on Gaza because it still borders its Muslim sister Egypt.
Suddenly we discovered that most of the citizens in Gaza support Hamas and other terrorist groups, elected Hamas in democratic elections and celebrated the massacres on October 7th.
Suddenly we discovered that what is called journalists in Gaza who work for Western media like CNN, AP, Reuters and other turned out to be Hamas terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7th.
Suddenly we discovered that what is called peace activists and workers of international human rights organizations of the UN, the Red Cross and WHO turned out to be terrorists and corrupt people of Hamas. Other turned out to be Hamas terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7th.
Suddenly we discovered that each of the leaders of Hamas is a billionaire and richer than President Trump with a net worth of four to S5 billion each.
So after Hamas started the war on October 7th by infiltrating to Israel, the world has discovered a lot of what's going on in Gaza, especially from the Arab world. Now the Arab world has unveiled the truth and discovered what's going on.
And I think everyone in the world should understand what Hamas stands for.
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