Why the New Hampshire Primary is a Nuisance

Chris Christie once called New Hampshire voters “presidential wine tasters.” And while I promise we have no desire to taste Governor Christie, or any of these other freaks, we do like to kick the tires before America buys the car. …


The cogs of the Democrat machine never stop rolling, however. Right across the front page of my Sunday Union-Leader is a banner ad from NHDP. It’s got a picture of Uncle Joe, all smiles, and it says: “STOP TRUMP WRITE-IN JOE BIDEN ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 23 Because Our Future Is On The Line.” All the little Borgs have been gathered back into the Hivemind. Biden demanded the NHDP commit career suicide because they voted for the wrong senile octogenarian in 2020. And here they are, trying to win him a second term so he can keep punishing them for another four years. You’ve got to admire the discipline.

[This is a fun stream-of-consciousness rant from Davis, so be sure to read it all. I’m not sure he actually explicitly lays out the argument in the headline, but the essay does give the sense of it. — Ed]

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