Biden's Media Problem: The Progressive Bubble

The people who produce the news are primarily young college graduates living in big cities, a demographic that skews way to the left of the electorate. And the audience for this news, though less ideologically skewed than the producers, is still significantly to the left of center.


That dynamic is a powerful force multiplier for platforming and disseminating new left-wing ideas, including ideas that go from edgy to dominant — like “gay couples should be allowed to get married” — as well as ideas that provoke massive backlash the minute they get any purchase — “maybe cities don’t need police departments.” It’s a major structural feature of the media landscape that helps explain why the general policy trajectory over the past generation has been toward the left.

But electorally, it’s a decidedly mixed bag, since the journalists, though clearly on the left ideologically, aren’t partisan propagandists.

[Er … Imma gonna stop you right there. Of *course* they are. Need we review the Hunter Biden laptop coverage from October 2020 to March 2022? The problem isn’t that progressive media doesn’t exercise the “message discipline” conservative media does (see above example and practically all coverage of Donald Trump), but that their bubble has become so tight that they have no connection to American life outside the urban cores and Academia’s campuses. They’re wanna-be elitists. — Ed]

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