Chief Justice: AI Will Transform the Courts -- and Not in a Good Way

The chief justice noted that AI could provide equity in extending legal resources to low-income people and “have the welcome potential to smooth out any mismatch between available resources and urgent needs in our court system.”


Roberts also cautioned, however, about the dangers of using AI without verification presented to lawyers, specifically “hallucination,” a trend in which lawyers use AI tools to “submit briefs with citations to non-existent cases. (Always a bad idea.)”

The report concludes by predicting “human judges will be around for a while” but that “judicial work — particularly at the trial level — will be significantly affected by AI.”

[I for one welcome our new Robot Judge Overlords! Er … nope. Thus far, AI has been a disaster in courts, most spectacularly for Michael Cohen, whose briefs were filled with non-existent cases and who now claims that he’s a legal novice after having been disbarred. At least in current terms, the use of AI could make matters even worse for indigent clients than overworked public defenders. — Ed]

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