Haley: Trump 'Fit' to be President But 'Not Right Now'

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said her top rival, former President Donald Trump, is “fit” to serve again but isn’t the “right” person for the job at this time.


Haley, a former South Carolina governor who served as Trump’s United Nations ambassador, sought to strike a balance when talking about her former boss during a recent interview with ABC News that will be broadcast on Monday.

“It’s not about fitness. I think he’s fit to be president. It’s ‘Should he be president?’ I don’t think he should be president. I thought he was the right president at the right time,” Haley said.

“We’ve got to look at the issues that we’re dealing with, coming forward with new solutions, not focusing on negativity and baggage of the past,” Haley added. “So it’s not about being fit. It’s just I don’t think he’s the right person to be president.”

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