Far-Left Orgs Plan for Black Friday: #ShutItDown4Palestine

For those who participate in the traditional Black Friday shopping, you might see pro-Palestinian people trying to prevent you from taking advantage of the deals. How do I know this? It is because a coalition of far-left organizations has declared on social media they will carry out direct actions during one of the busiest shopping days.


“Are you ready to disrupt business as usual? No celebrating while genocide takes place! This Black Friday, Nov 24, people around the world will boycott, disrupt & rally at commercial centers to #ShutItDown4Palestine,” the Act Now to Stop War & End Racism Coalition (ANSWER) posted on X.

Other groups involved in the planning of the nationwide events include the National Students for Justice, The People’s Forum, Palestinian Youth Movement, and Al Awda NY.

[So I guess they didn’t really want a cease-fire either. They really want the destruction of Israel, and for Joe Biden to lead it. Go figure. — Ed]

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