Ghoulies, Ghosties, and DEI Beasties

A generation ago, before the invention of diversity, equity and inclusion, some religious parents who took devils and witches seriously objected to school assignments that trivialized evil, as they saw it. They were told to opt their kids out of the draw-a-witch assignment. Nobody thought to cancel Halloween.


Years ago, my daughter’s elementary school asked parents not to choose violent costumes for our kids. These days, some schools ask children to dress up as characters from their favorite books. (But maybe not Captain Underpants.)

I think traditions pull a school community together.

[That’s exactly what DEI and critical-race theory activists want to *prevent*. Those policies are designed to divide communities, force them to compete for places in a victimology hierarchy, and never ever break out of the tribal model for any purpose. Halloween may seem like small potatoes, but it’s a minor skirmish that encapsulates the entire Woke war. — Ed]

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